MOTION : This House should supports death penalty for corruptors.
OG. : They stole money & harm from society, and the prison is too short, when they free, they can repeat the corruption again.
OO. : It's against human rights, and there's still other method for punish the Corruptors, death penalty wouldn't affect to the corruptors.
OG. : They stole human rights first (money for public facilities, tax,etc). It's not relevant if they stole a human rights. And we should think about other people from our country too.
OO. : There's still a second chance for them to understand that corruption is bad.
CG. : Actually, they deserve it and think twice, it's not fair in this country.
CO. : Against human live, and think about they family/assets/friends. And it's inhuman punishment. Death isn't the solution, the system itself that decided this.
CG. : A lot of cases in this country has a big impact, tax or any public tax that we pay is stolen by them for their own goods.
CO. : Against human rights,birocracy is the one to be blame, maybe if they freed, they can change to a good people.
CG is winner in my opinion, they're so fluent in English and had lot of informative fact, so they're the winner, also they're smart enough to spoke their opinion.
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